
This project was created as a standalone “deeper dive” to the Elevator Pitch material contained in an asynchronous Yellow Belt Lean Six Sigma online course developed earlier this year for the same client.

Needs analysis and project stakeholder feedback indicated that the process improvement project team members were making mistakes when writing and delivering an elevator pitch. Specifically, including too much information into the pitch, not having a use case ready, omitting a call to to action, and lack of practice opportunities.


  • We wanted the training to be experiential – that the best ways to learn how to create and deliver an elevator pitch is by actually having the experience.
  • Following Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction, we had three different portrayals of the whole problem – making an effective elevator pitch using a six-step process.
    • show the whole problem with minimal discussion;
    • demonstrate [tell-show] the whole problem by by identifying properties of steps and conditions;
    • teach [tell-show-DOidentify] the individual skills involved in the whole problem;
    • have the learner engage in the whole problem [DOexecute].
  • Opportunities for practice and reflection were a must-have.

Tools Used
Articulate Rise | Storyline 360 | Vyond | Adobe Photoshop

Video images created with Vyond and Adobe Photoshop | Other images sourced from Google Images – Creative Commons licensure.